新墨西哥科技公司将接待发明家 & 企业家研讨会


Xbox creator and NMT alum Ed薯条 is keynote at event April 13-14

Ed薯条, NMT校友和Xbox开发者

索科罗,N.M. – Inventors and entrepreneurs seeking investors, networking 机会, information, coaching, and resources to help them turn their ideas into successful start-ups can find that support at an upcoming two-day seminar hosted by ag亚游集团App下载. 发明家 & 企业家研讨会 will be held Thursday, April 13, and Friday, April 14, 2023, 在索科罗校区的菲德尔学生中心. 该活动对公众开放. 

Planners expect about 100 people to attend the two-day workshop, which will feature speakers, panel presentations, 1-on-1 coaching, and networking 机会. 与会者 are expected to include NMT students, alums, faculty, staff, business and civic leaders from the Socorro community, as well as business people and entrepreneurs from New 墨西哥和其他州.

NMT alum, entrepreneur, and Xbox video game system creator Ed薯条 is the keynote 演讲者,4月14日星期五上午11点15分.m. 其他演讲者包括. 迈克尔 Doyle, NMT vice president for 研究; Dr. Don Ryu,联合创始人兼首席技术官 officer at RD Health Sensing; Dr. Beto Pallares, Joseph Advisory的总裁兼首席执行官 Services; and Steven Weinstein, general partner and executive vice president of Technology 美国前沿基金的创新. 该活动将包括一个小组讨论 diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and social entrepreneurship and a special presentation 发展新墨西哥州的太空经济.

Dr. Myrriah Tomar, executive director of NMT’s 创新商业化办公室 said the university prides itself on being a strong proponent for entrepreneurs.

“Our Science, Technology, Engineering, Entrepreneurship, and Mathematics (STE²M ®) 商标反映了这种意识形态,”她说. 发明家和企业家(1)&E) Workshop creates 机会 to transform an idea into a commercially viable product 通过将所有利益相关者聚集在一起. 创造机会是创新办公室的职责 商业化(OIC)的授权. 伊斯兰会议组织成功举办了第一次会议&E工作坊至今 2016年,我&E has become the most anticipated entrepreneur workshop in southern New 墨西哥. " 

Registration for the event includes breakfast, lunch, refreshments, and networking 机会. The fee for NMT校友, NMT faculty,  and students with ID from all 学校是35美元. Some free student registrations are available by contacting oic@zizhanggui.com. The early registration deadline is March 31, with discounted registration of $50 供公众人士使用. 3月31日后的注册费为65美元. 在线注册 可在 zizhanggui.com/invent/