New Mexico Tech’s Dr. Curtis O’Malley To Receive Award for STEM Mentoring

May 17, 2023

机械工程助理教授的努力得到了空军研究所的认可 Lab

Dr. Curtis O'Malley
Dr. Curtis O'Malley

SOCORRO, N.M. -表彰他在接触学生和帮助他们想象方面付出的非凡努力 ag亚游集团App下载的一名教员被空军授予了荣誉 研究实验室(AFRL)技术参与办公室享有盛誉. Dr. Curtis O’Malley, 机械工程助理教授,将获得导师奖 颁奖典礼于2023年6月23日在阿尔伯克基的Q站举行,与其他获奖者一起 the 2023 Excellence in STEM Awards, aka the STEMYs. The annual awards honor students, 教师、志愿者和其他新墨西哥人,感谢他们的科学、技术、工程, and math education (STEM) outreach efforts.

Dr. O 'Malley作为机械工程机器人STEM的外展贡献 拓展项目主任为K-12学生提供了无数的机会 to engage in and imagine a future in STEM. In 2015, he founded the Mechanical Engineering K-12外展计划,建立了NMT作为一个首要的K-12外展组织 大型公共STEM活动,包括大哥大姐发现节, AFRL’s Super STEM Saturday, and Explora’s Science Fiesta. He also founded the New Mexico Robot Combat League. His first competition was held in the spring 2021 and 通过与新墨西哥州建立合作关系,在两年内发展到55支参赛球队 MESA. Dr. O 'Malley帮助NMT成为SystemsGO火箭项目的主要参与者 program, and assisted in creating a drones competition. He also helped innovate a STEM夏季路演,NMT工作坊前往新墨西哥州的农村地区提供 unique opportunities for students. 

In May 2022 Dr. O 'Malley获得了NMT的杰出服务奖,以表彰教职员工 谁对大学和社会表现出卓越的服务. Recently Dr. 机械工程系主任林淑彬(Bin Lim)提名O 'Malley为 总统科学、数学和工程指导优秀奖. In his multiple roles, Dr. O’Malley directly mentors 100 college students a year, 并且每年雇佣和培训20名或更多的学生作为助教和研究人员 assistants, and outreach near peer mentors. 

“我一直在逐步建立导师的遗产,朝着现在的方向努力 我直接指导大学生,间接指导中学生 high school students,” Dr. O’Malley said. “When I describe my mentorship focus to 对我的学生来说,这可以归结为三个简单的点. First you have to actually care about your mentee's success. Second, you have to show them you care by listening to what they say and observing their actions. Third, you have to provide them well thought-out options to help them achieve success. Doing these three things 对一些人来说,即使在毕业后继续做这件事也会产生深远的影响 对他们和他们家庭的未来产生了改变生活的影响.”

Dr. O 'Malley获得德雷克塞尔大学土木工程学士学位 University in Philadelphia. He also earned a second bachelor of science degree in 毕业于建筑工程专业,并获得了土木工程硕士学位 他毕业于佐治亚理工学院,拥有土木工程博士学位. After working for the U.S. Army at the Aberdeen Testing Center, he was an instructor at Central New Mexico Community College. Dr. O’Malley came to NMT in 2012 as a post-doc 他在机械工程系担任兼职教授. Since 2016, 他一直是机械工程系的助理教授.

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